Saturday, July 30, 2005

blue moon

ohhh oh
moon blue
i look out my window
i feel the wind blow through my hair
i see a man there
standing out in the open
whistleing 2 the ocean
like it was there

i go 2 the bathroom
and i look into the mirror
i am seeing so clear what i saw b4
i see someone at the door
standing with his hands down
looking at the hard ground
llike he was bored

i say hey man
what r u doing
i have been viewing but ive never seen u in my past
and thats when the man began 2 laugh
and then he walked away
down the hall he swayed
how long will he last?

and then i continued
then i went 2 my bedroom
then i looked at the blue moon shining above
that is when i saw
a women in my yard
she is who i really, love

it is so beautiful
when i see her out there
i feel the need 2 just say a prayer 4 her and me
and thats just when i see
how beautiful the blue moon can be

blue moon
shining in the distance
out 4 only one instance and then its gone
just like dusk and dawn
and they never
stay 4 ever
where is this coming from?


slowly spread

AND then it slowly spreads
out 2 anywhere
that it can be taken
or where ever its fair
2 be lead
u could take it anywhere
but it still wouldnt awaken
bcuz everyone is just 2 scared

AND everybody is confused
so they give up on it
and then they start 2 abuse
all u hear is sip sip
all goes numb when they here the sound of the coin
then it becomes an annoying pressure point
and so many mistake makers r with us 2day
some other folks went a different way
but in my mind i can see them all dead
AND then it slowly spreads

ur so damn dirty u no
with the fuzz between ur toes
and ur finger up ur nose
yet u think ur really close
2 being so perfect
but once u get there
is it really worth it
time is money
and money is usless
if u spend it all on sweet honey
all u do is abuse it
u just buy old dan tucker
cuz thats what u think makes u survive
but what kinda life lover
thinks whiskey can keep u alive
it can only make u more dead
AND then it slowly spreads

one shot
2 the top
and that is ur life
one chance
4 romance
u hope u do it right
go without guidence
it all ends in violence
we spend 3 billion on a space ship
while these peole at war eating fists
and what i dont get
is how we live with this?
who is this bush fella
i bet howard stern good lead us better
im just so tired of watching it slowly spread
AND i guess the world cant be peaceful without bloodshed

tell me what u get when u reel in ur line
i can tell u whats on the end of mine
jack squat
cuz im still workin on my one shot
and im still takin my chances
and im still waiting 4 answers
AND im just fighting my cancer
i would like 2 give up instead
but i dont want this 2 slowly spread


A.E.I.O.U...Y `

Thursday, July 28, 2005


hearts are open
feelings showing
no body knows
no body cares
feelings inside
turn 2 run and hide
but they really dont go
love never lingers
it goes where ever the finger
points 2
where ever
mind set not saved
this is no outrage
i love u

once apon a while ago
i saw ur smile and it made me show
mine as well
it felt so swell
belive in nothing and just wait
there is always something in every day
that means so much
i just dont no what
make a landmark and score the goal
no one in my situation is a fool
is this real
what i feel
nevermind, never go
with that mind ull never show
one single smile
its all about the vile



what if god wasnt one of us

what if god wasnt one of us?
rosa parks wouldnt been on that bus
no one would have been saved by our army
we'd all be dead if there wasnt ghandi
hitler wouldnt have fallen, if he wasnt around
and them jews would never make it 2 the promised ground
chris columbus wouldnt have landed
and the big bad US would be empty handed
the market would still be crashing
and the xfl would still be bashing
metallica would have control of the world
either way cuz they r crazy ...
if god wasnt one us, no one would save us
if god wasnt one of us there would be no jesus
but thank god god is one of us
if he wasnt we would all be rust
if he wasnt here now i probly wouldnt be talking
but what no body knows is that jesus is walking
he comes 2 his daddy and he says
jakes goin 2 hell he flicked me off 2day
damnit man, watch what u say
he lurks where u disobey
he nos what ur thinking and what ur doing
he nos when ur drinking and puttin ur brain 2 ruin
when u look in the mirror he is ur reflection
when u look into the past he is ur recalection
thank god god is human 2
if he wasnt id be so confused
without him the towers wouldnt have fallen on u
without him the skys wouldnt seem so blue
without him clinton wouldnt of told the truth
watch out world hes right next 2 u
hes watching me write
hes watchin u type
hes watchin u clean ur close
he saw u pickin ur nose
he saw u flick him off
he saw u curse god
he saw pick on that kid
he saw everything u did
so dont hide
cuz god is one of us, he is alive
tell me if ur surpised
if u are u better clear up some lies
back 2 the real life
ur wit god either way
dont even try 2 fight
him off everyday
dont waste ur breath, on rosa,the army, ghandi, columbus, the U.S metallica and jesus
trust me u wont win
if god wasnt one of us
there wouldnt be this world we live in



Wednesday, July 27, 2005

what we bleed

blood dripping through
all hearts are pinned
8 years of promises that go right down the drain
into the sponge
this wont last long
until u no it all these hearts will be gone
so far away
not 2 far away
but so far away
everything is possible
once u no what u gotta do
not everything is loveable
ppl just say things u already knew
its just so beautiful
how u follow me
8 years of promises that go right down the drain
end of darkness soon
hit the hammer hard
this might just have been a disaster from the start
now its gone
so gone
but not 2 gone
yet its still gone

what we no is all we need
what we show is what we bleed
and what we bleed is what we've seen
yeah its so beautiful
we ask how so
then we stand hopless and watch it go...
right down the drain
and now we r all blood stained
we just watch from here
now we just gotta stand clear..

body patched in
all hell put away
8 years of promises r no very safe
squeeze out whats left
save everyone
b4 u no it everything will be gone


influenced by one love

the rain

the rain falls in mysterious ways
one drop falls and another one is saved
saved 4 the next biggest wave
the wave from where which it came
it dosnt fall, it gradually loses hight
until it runs out of air 2 fly
and i think 2night is the night
4 all the rain 2 dive
wait now 4 the strongest wind
wait now 4 it 2 begin
u can go back now that ur in
quiting now would be a sin
ur eyes grow wide when the first drop starts
u look up 2 the sky and ur heart stops
when it picks up consistancy the wind begins 2 stir
then it all just becomes one big blurr

if uve felt one, uve felt them all
how many rain drops r gonna fall
what does it matter, who really cares
when will the rain run out of air

the clouds r so black, it seems like night
only in ourselves can we find some light
bcuz the rain dosnt no when 2 stop
it falls until it runs out of drops
they say rain is just a faze
it happens in mysterious ways
rain falls at the break of dawn
by now ud think it would be gone
then u feel a slowing down of consistance
now we reflect on our vissions
the rain stops and the clouds clear
go ahead and say what u want 2 fear
now im not afraid of whats out there
all bcuz i no the rain will eventually run out of air



Tuesday, July 26, 2005

im in love

i have fallen deep into ur love
no help from the big man above
this all on me
its my responsibility
if it goes wrong so do i
and if it goes right i thrive
im taking this chance not just 4 me
im taking so that the world can see
i am more than just ppl thought of me
i am w.e i wish 2 be
and right now i am deep in ur love
i dont no where this came from
it was a shadow until now
im doing it right and im doin it outloud

i love you lady, with deepest respect
i wonna do this so i have no regrets
true innocence time is not a issue
love is the greatest virtue
no body knows how i cherish u
bottom of my heart is were it started with u
and its infinaty from there
it wont end even in the thickest air
true craziness, thats just what i am
idc if u dont understand
im not forcein u into nothin
im just sick of not sayin something
off my chest and into the open
idk maybe i was just hoping
2 much, 2 little time
idk whats running through my mind
idk what u see in ur eyes
idk if u realize
what i feel about u
what more do u want me 2 do
so here we go again, but its different bcuz
now i no im in love


good morning american, how was ur sleep?are u awake yet, or do u just wonna hit snooze and sleep 4 another 5 mins;) :)

Monday, July 25, 2005

nothing at all

we really dont no where or when
so all we do now is just wait
its time 2 give worrying a break
dont invite more than u can take
tell me can u define admire
it can be close 2 perfect if u desire
an open flame can be an open fire
a perfect world is a world without liars

we all share grace and we all share laughter
we all want 2 catch what we r after
but dreams come true at awkward places
and love is found in unpredictable faces
but idk if we saw this coming
and im just tired of running
so ill stop
let u catch up
what is love
i think ill tell ya

we all want someone o so bad
but we r shy and dont tell them that
we all need someone 4 our bad times
but we really dont no whats going through our wasted minds
love is a lost art that no one does well
1 second it can triumph, the next it can be hell
no one sees the same reflection
no one counts there own blessings

crack a smile and squint u eyes
look 4 awhile till u realize
nothings perfect so dont try
tell me this is the point of being alive
but the farther u go the higher the price
the longer u go, the harder the life
no one nos how weird it is 2 cry
about nothing at all

we wait one moment just 2 see
how incredible life can be
back 2 the real world when we catch no breaks
4 some folks being alive is there biggest mistake
we want so much but we give so little
we dont go far enough we stop in the middle
take a look through the scope and tell me what u see
its great how wonderful life can be

give it another chance
u 2 can live in romance
we can all live happily ever after
we can all share grace and we call share laughter


Sunday, July 24, 2005

its easier 2 cry

covered in black
hair over his face
tatooed body
always in the same place
he has some friends
but hes in the wrong crowd
he wanted it 2 end
and its over now
he destroyed his own mind
he turned away from tears
he ran outa time
2 face all his fears
he was scarred of the next day
bcuz he didnt no what 2 expect
he never knew what 2 say
he didnt want any regrets
well lets hope he regrets what he did
lets hope he was forgiven
obviously he didnt want 2 live
otherwise he would be liven

its was so hard 2 watch him bring everything down
when he took his life
everything crumbled 2 the ground
his family and his friends surly regret
not helping him
and lets hope they never forget
rpb, his gates were always open
he rejected no one
until his heart stopped growing
god was no longer in his life
he didnt think he needed him any more 2 fight
but boy was he wrong when
he came across some problems
and he had no body
2 help him solve them

he was like a candle
he burned until he couldnt any more
he just couldnt handle
being in this frustrating war
he is like the moon on a cloudy night
it comes out for a breif moment
and 4 that second it gives off its light
but he never knew how much he was showing
he fought until he ran outa time
and then he just waited 4 help 2 arrive
but when it didnt come
he got depressed
he turned away from god
and thats y he was a mess
he was scared
and didnt even no
what was left out there
so he turned 2 the rope
the ring of rope that will become his enemy
he just didnt no, how beautiful life could be
he just didnt no how bad it would hurt his family
he just didnt no, how 2 see
and i hope god shows some pitty
but it wont happen, and i feel so guilty

every night, i pray 2 jesus
help me sir, i dont wonna feel like he was
and when i see some rope, my eyes become teared
bcuz who knew some strands, could be a mans biggest fear
rpb was a friend of mine
y u took him, blows my mind
but theres nothing i can do
xcept pray 4 a better ending
i cant control it, bcuz its depending
it was a great day 2 be alive
until i heard the news of the suicide
it made me feel like i watned 2 die
but i think its just easier, to cry


its easier 2 cry( . . . . ......( )....)


beggin for anything
turns down not one penny
he would take one thing
and turn it into many
he only turned down one man
who offered him a janey roll
success comes in "cans"
"cant" is getttin old

one shot, is all i takes
i "can" do this
forget about all the mistakes
they r finished with
the past is burnt b4 us
its flame has no color
the ones that came b4 us
fought harder than no other
soliders like him
live like that every day
what we dont no
hes hurting in every way
wouldnt u be sad
if u were beggin on ur knees
what is really bad
is he got turned away by mickey d's
he has no life
nothing 2 live for
but still he fights
in the pretend war
him vs all
the winner veries
hes not afraid 2 fall
and thats pretty damn scarry
he wants no pitty
xcept from those who r declined
i "can" take him with me
if he only found his mind

what we dont no
is what we dont see
and what we dont show
is what we afraid 2 believe
we can change the world
we can make it easy
we can make our own pearls
we can just believe
we can judge none
we can judge many
who can judge someone
who denies no penny
we can fight 4 justice
or we can fight for war
all i no it must end
we can make it like it was b4
we can fret nothing
or we can fret life
thats the way it is
either u wrong or ur right
we can jump a mountain
we can do it if we tried
we can swim an ocean
if we recognized we r alive
we can suceed with the right aditude
but we seem 2 be stuck
thats what i see from my view
but we rnt tottally fucked
time is not an issues
especially when u live under a bridge
but w.e u do
dont ever push the ridge
true life is what he does
works for every ounce
and he has gone from what he was
2 a couple pounds
jesus is on our side
so we have the advantage
it might not be great 2 be alive
but ill do my best 2 manage

follows no body
just sits with his plastic cup
he never gets lonely
the donations cheer him upo
if u leave, remember this
it makes me what i am
life all depends on what u do with it
and success comes in "cans"


influenced by something 2 sad 2 mention:(

Friday, July 22, 2005

eyes r closed.. (y)

late night looking
into the distance i stare
i look without knowing
all that is out there
but still i look
i look into the shadows
of all the of the trees
they seem 2 get more shallow
the closer they get 2 me
but still i watch

into 2 deep water
without knowing how far down it goes
but there is no limit 2 the depth of water
atleast thats what i know

bcuz ive never seen the bottom
i havnt been there yet
and when i get on it
i hope i have no regrets
bcuz im not sure how low it goes
gander out into the corn fields
lightning bugs r my only guidence
i no im not the only one that feels
the wind coming off the high lands
there has 2 be someone else

have u ever wondered about nothing
have u seen the end of the rope
i havnt found anything that loving
and i probly wont

under the maple tree i watch
the world turn and evolve
although it dosnt move that much
i dont wonna miss out on anything at all
so i keep my a sharp eye
i feed my brain all that i see
and what i feel has no connection
but what i feel is what makes me me
my eyes r just my protection
atleast thats what i know

ravage through my crooked mind
not afraid of what i might find
bcuz nothing is ever on my side
nothing 2 lose, theres no guidlines
walk into the valley of shadows
in the fields where the wind blows
the maple tree tells me all i need 2 no
all i wonna do i just keep my eyes closed..

live 2 see it all, and all will live out
afraid of everything, bcuz u just never no
i guess this is what lifes about
do u 2 feel the wind blow
or is it just me
cry 4 no one but myself
live 4 me
and nobody else
thats what i believe
what i want, might not be what u want
i do care about u, but sometimes
living happy comes b4 love
tell me what u see when u look a lil deeper inside
do u see what u already no
or is it that ur eyes r closed..




the grass is always greener on the other side
but what makes that grass have so much life
some ppl r treasured like they were pearls
some ppl make life better by just being in the world
look around and see what we take 4 granted
take a look at the lame and the enchanted
theres ppl that we love, and ppl we hate
thats the way it is, and that wont ever change
but what would it be like, if everything was flawless
no homless,cuz no one would be jobless
would it be good 4 the world if everything was perfect
we wouldnt have 2 work hard, but would it be worth it
whats life without atleast one hard time
and u no u get better after every try
even if u fail, u succeed in every battle fought
u walk away with somthing after every loss
u no more now, than u ever knew b4
u no alot, but will u have 2 no more
u find ur self loving every min of life
u do it over and over till u get it right
and that makes the world that much greater
better now, than doing it later
even tho ull cry every now and then
thats the way it is, dont see it as a problem
cuz problems r ment 2 be fixed
u cant take back a life, sorrow is what it is
ppl dying isnt really a problem we face
ppl killing is what it comes down 2 at the end of the day
but the ppl who do both, r both guilty and innocent
victim of them selves, life, they just wernt good at living it
they saw failure in the wrong places
they saw potential in the wrong faces
but whose eyes do u last look into b4 u go 2 bed
is it the person in the mirror that wishes hes dead
take a good look, bcuz b4 u no it
those eyes will be sown in
someones eyes can tell u so many feelings
love, hate, sorrow, fortune, are the real things
so tell me do u love what u are, i no i love mine
all bcuz i figured out, the grass is greener on the other side


influenced by the world..and a.e.i.o.u...(Y)

Thursday, July 21, 2005

tangled in smoke

candles blown out
and the smoke is tangled in the air
u think u got it figured out
then someone else beats u there
walk away downfaced and stressed
ur 2 afraid 2 confess
all the things that u left
now ur not willing 2 except
creativity thrown 2 waste
everyone just throws themselves away
now they just wait 4 the trash 2 be emptied
leave and let go, thats what i say, i need no pitty
block the wind, shadow the flame
be sure not 2 dowes its respected name
once ur candles gone, u go blind
u might live, if u really try
but is it worth all the stress
my answer is yes
but sometimes its no
but sorrow never goes
it lingers behind u
u cant hide, cuz it will find u
when ur candle dies, the smoke assends
it dissapears but it never ends
but do u really no what the smoke represents
the drugs..that u pump in ur veins
and ur self is 2 blame
u dowsed ur own flame
pure black looking clear
u cant see what u fear
u were born 2 die
and u knew it
u couldnt do it, but yet u still try
but someone beat u 2 it
u r ur own punching bag
u r ur own mirror
u r what u cant quite grab
u r ur own fear
u r ur greatest weakness
u r ur greatest strength
u r what u r seeking
but u havnt figured that one out yet
and u just try 2 forget
the problems uve left
and ur old mind set
u just havnt figured this one out yet
the smoke is just tangled in the air
u thought u got it figured out
but someone beat u there



Wednesday, July 20, 2005

sometimes u gotta ask y

im on a killing spree
i want u 2 notice me
stuburn as could be
as far as i could see

wanting nothing but pure romance
i just want a second chance
ive been struck down by my second glance
and now it all lays in ur hand

im your vodoo, i am under ur control
u own my heart u own my soul
u can make me look like a fool
ill just find a away 2 dig out of this hole

some one said 2 me let go
but i wont do what im told
i dont go by what i no
i just go as it flows

i tried 2 make a good first impression
but with me there rnt learned lessons
idk the things im messing
can u telll me whats the saldad without the dressing?

days have gone by
i just sigh
resist the erge 2 break down and cry
but sometimes u just gotta ask (y)

the futures urs
just take ur turns
and u will be served
what u deserve


influenced by the color yellow

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

my dreams

my day begins when i fall asleep
its a whole different world in my dreams
i can only do what i can imagine
when im asleep anything can happen
i could fly if i wanted
i could die if i wanted
i could jump across the ocean
i could open doors that couldnt open
but all of this is in my head
and it starts and ends in my bed
it never leaves my twisted mind
i have no sidewalk, or guide lines
in my dreams, i could do anything i want 2
i could dream about what i want 2 do
but what i want 2 do is sit back and watch
but if i do that, i will be just losing a lot
bcuz if i do nothing, it wont be how i want it
and if i do somthing, ill be able 2 show 4 somthing
in my dreams all i do is close my eyes
in my dreams, i do no more than be alive
i just breath deep, and in pace
in and out, every time is the same
in my dreams
sometimes i see
ppls faces looking at eachother
not noing whats going on with one another
they seem confuzed about somthing
and i just look at them and say nothing
then they cry and tears poor down there cheek
i open my eyes 2 a dark ceiling
and i try 2 just fall back asleep
ur dreams r decided by how ur day goes
u could figure out what ur gonna dream b4 u hit the pillow
i guess everyday is the same 4 me
bcuz its always plain when i fall asleep
i do all my dreaming in the day
wishin i could do things a different way
i dream that i could be the perfect kid
every time i do i get farther away from it
if u try 2 hard u wont get anywhere
live it as it comes and ull get urself there
i dream about being somthing i not
i dream about all the things i lost
i wont get them back
cuz the past is the past
so when does ur day begin
my day does when most ppls end
it all starts when i fall asleep
what ever u want 2 happen
can happen in ur dreams



Monday, July 18, 2005


tell me lord, what is going on
can u plz tell me what im doing wrong
tell me lord, am i missing somthing
all of my dreams combine as nothing
tell me lord, what should i do
can u plz help me see this one through
tell me lord, is there somthing that i should be doing
is there somethin that i am not including
tell me lord, is there really somthing i can fight for
when i ask 4 somthing i come beggin 4 more
tell me lord, am i were i belong
or am i like them, should i be gone
tell me lord, is there something else out there
plz tell me if i should be scarred
tell me lord, when it rains r u crying?
when i give up. should i keep on trying
tell me lord when the wind blows r u sighing?
when i cant give anymore, should i keep on supplyin
tell my lord, r u are what ppl say
i dont no what 2 believe, i dont no what 2 pray
tell me lord, r u really on my side
bcuz it seems, u wonna take me alive
tell me lord, is ok 2 kill someone in war
even tho its hell ur fighting for
tell me lord, should i go left or right
either way ill probly have just as hard of a life
tell me lord, am i really that dumb
would it be easier if my brain wasnt numb
tell me lord, y do i have this disability
tell me lord, r u even listening?
im just sick of being caught up in the nets
im sick of always bein so upset
im sick of always being the one left
outside of the circle, inside of the net
lord can u plz tell me somthing
im sick and tired of just hearing nothin
this isnt how i wanna be living
father son holy spirit




creative thoughts
and creative minds
unknwon thoughts
unknown minds
lives r lost
lives r gained
the unknowns rote
in there unmarked grave
what u believe
is all u can be
ur closed in by a fence
nothing makes sense
u jump so high
but fall so far
ur 2 far into the sky
2 be high at all
but u just keep falling
nose dive from good 2 nothing
it comes apart so fast
once ur in first, next ur in last
but u cant clean up lies with a mop
how r we supposed 2 no how many unknowns weve lost
it all becomes a personal halocaust
bcuz we havnt won any battles fought
so we just battle back
and dig outa this hole
its hard 2 do that
when life is so cold
anythings hard, when ur alone
just imagine how hard it would be 2 do it
if u were an unknown



Sunday, July 17, 2005


a saga ends
a saga starts
one with your friends
unity in your hearts
a split in balence
a split in time
we all condence
in our minds
ability 2 speak
is no longer with us
what we seek
is reall within us
a long stride
is a small task
what we hide
under this mask
rub the bottle
a geenie appears
and he slowly waddles
to the mirror
"afraid of nothing"
is what he proclaimed
but there is something
and it should be named
bcuz what is the point
of being brave
if there is nothing
that can be saved
a dreadful hour
seems forever
but a peaceful hour
seems like never
the stuff that hurts
is what is felt the longest
but what hurts worse
is not being the strongest
time is time
second by second
observe your mind
i recomend it
piece by peice
block by block
your goal will be reached
when u finish this wall
a nother one starts
another one ends
when u become one with ur heart
the sega begins



Friday, July 15, 2005

i cry outloud

i cry outloud so the world can hear me
but there ears are plugged with lust
i cry outloud so the world can sheer me
but they do what they must

i sit alone thinkin
i dont have 2 smoke, theres no need 4 drinkin
nothing can seem 2 save me
i cry myself 2 sleep at night
thinking about what i have in my life
and what would those things be
die 2 live, but it seems we just live 2 die
it seems so pointless 2 be alive
if ur just gonna pass any day
and everyday, is shelled with lies
so i sit at home, and aimlessly cry
and i feel so ashamed

i cry alone bcuz no one cares
what is right, and what is fair
i cry alone just feel sad
so im prepared when the world goes bad
but it already is

i dont want sex, i dont want drugs
those ppl who r obsessed, just need some love
and im not saying i dont
but it would be nice 2 get some respect
from one of u is my best bet
im not saying u wont
im not saying im perfect, but no body is
no matter how u try, ur short in the end
but thats the bosses decission
i dont understand y life is so hard
uve either gone 2 short, or gone 2 far
i guess this was gods vission

but i cry out all the tears that i own
bcuz cryin is all ive known
and its been there for me when im at my worst
only if i woulda learned 2 laugh first

i hate the way u look at me
wondering eyes and pinch of pitty
but what do u care
i cry alone in the middle of the night
wondering if this life is worth the fight
but what life is fair
most ppl would rather eat dirt
than here someone say how they were hurt
but i hope u enjoy that mud
bcuz this is what i have 2 say
knowledge is nothing, if u cant live ur own way
so now can u tell me whats love
tell me is this enough

sit alone in my room staring at the ceiling
reflecting on my thoughts and what im feeling
but not ashamed of fearing that im gonna die
and im not ashamed of being alone when i cry



1 ticket

i have one ticket, one way
i wont come back, in your day
i dont wonna go, but i dont wonna stay
i would do both, if i may
my heart skips 3 beats
my jaw drops 2 my feet
then it goes back to the formation of a clock
beat beat tick tock
i wish i could go on a vacation
get away from life and my so called "nation"
but all my dreams just disapear
only in nothingness i can see thme clear
only in chaos i could hear
what he is whispering into my ear
i watch my dreams crumble 2 the ground
a tear drop is the only sound
i can hear my self crying through all the madness
is it worth trying 2 get through this sadness
a assemblence like this, isnt worthy of being a world power
we r as low as it gets, at our finest hour
what ppl dont realize is that we rnt that great
what happened 2 the hippe days, love no hate
peace no war
we come back wanting more
being on top of the world just isnt enough
we will be were we started when we r done
the way this is going really bothers me
ppl r dying 4 no aperent reason
and what we dont really see
the true and proper meaning
but i dont wonna get into that stress
my heart is already havin trouble beatin when i take one breath
how am i supposed 2 handle all of this stuff
when i cant even handle waking up
im so afraid of doing the wrong thing
i screw up more and more stress i bring
i cant trade in this ticket, ive gone 2 far
and im not comin back, bcuz im 2 smart

i dont wonna relive what ive already done
i guess bein the best just isnt enough
so much 4 a vacation
so much 4 a "nation"



fire within

fire outside, and fire within
it was dowsed but now its up again
i try not 2 think about places ive been
but it feels like january all over again

she loves me, she loves me not
it dosnt make a diference on my thought
what do i care if she cares
im a lonely fella with a lonely stare
ive gazed into blankness until now
and i just understood what this is about
i dont no how 2 say this so i just wont
ill just pray u get this message so what if u dont
that dosnt change what i feel inside
my fire is burning o so high
u ignite me everytime i lay my eyes
it gets better every time
its that sharp personality
and ur clever individuality
its not just what i see
its what i feel inside of me

father son holy ghost
ur the one i love the most
but only if living was easy
but u no anything happy plzes me
vector security and verison wireless
hit, run, throw catch, im tired of this
idk if im frustrated or just confuszed
i wish i was like u
easily amused
but idk how long the flame will last
could be a while thinkin back 2 the past
but no one really knows
father, son, holy ghost



Thursday, July 14, 2005

the fisherman

u see and old man fishing an empty lake
has no boat, and has no bait
but he does what he can
u see him catch nothing everyday
and u dont no what 2 say
to that lonley old man
so u cast right next 2 him
he looks at u and gives u a grin
and then he turns away
he said 2 u at the end of the day
ur the only thing ive cought fishin this way
and u didnt no what 2 say
so offer him a beer and some grub
but he said, no sir ive had enough
but he didnt eat or drink
he packs up his gear and rod
b4 he walks away, he gives a nod
and then u just think
what if i were like him
would i be happy with
the way i live
and the things i give
goin 2 work and nothin 2 show 4 it
would i get bored of it
i ask him the next day
"what is it like"
and that old man said
how do u think it feels to go do nothing everyday
throw my line out with nothing on the end
reel it in and go home and pray
pray 2 be some day what i have been
its hard 2 think about my biggest love
bcuz all i no is whats in that frosted mug
so i throw out my line just 2 forget
what i lost and what i got left
and u didnt no what 2 say
thats when the old man turned away



is this enough

i dont care, u can love anyone u really want to
just be prepared for anyone 2 dick with u
the combinations and the pieces of this puzzle
will never fit again, its now and endless struggle
the words r a pain 2 hear everytime u hear them
u thought b4, now u no its really the end

the preasure is high, and the tension is boiling over
can u think a little straiter now that ur sober
but the damage is done, and so r we
we r divided but we used 2 be one

the equation isnt finished
blank + blank= blank
if that was the answer we could live like that
simple and eazy
that could plz me
but its all about u, sorry about my mistake
its always about u, thats whats so gay
i risk myslef, 4 u conveniance
and u do things with out even thinkin

whats wrong isnt wrong enough
and whats strong, just isnt strong enough
what i know, just isnt enough
and what i show, isnt visable enough
what i feel, isnt felt enough
what i hear, isnt loud enough
what i say, isnt right enough
when i play, i dont fight enough
when i see, i dont see enough
when i plea, i dont beg enough
when i cry, i dont tear enough
when i fly, i dont get high enough
when i jump, i dont go far enough
when i lunge, i dont try hard enough
when i give, i dont give enough
when i live, what do i live of?

ur living like ur in a video game
he holds the controller and controls what u say
he does what he wants, and make u do things u dont wonna do
and ur sick and tired of it, so u just abuse


influenced by ppl

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


im confused and i dont no what i need
so i just let my wrists bleed
there is no strong explanation
idk if i just want attention
or if this is real
is this the only way i can deal
with gettin rid of pain
either way, it hurts the same
but i try, not 2 take the dare
i run my fingers trough my hair
and i dont really no if im just scared
or if im afraid 2 face whats out there
i might be afraid of what i have 2 live up 2
or afraid 2 start over brand new
its so frustrating cuz im so confused
and 4 the first time in my life i dont no what 2 do
so i find the problem, what ever it may be
4 some reason, i think its me
so i cut my wrists
and i black my eye
im sick of all of it
but i dont realize
i am putting up another road block
to making all my troubles stop
i wish 4 the end
i turn 2 a friend
always there to help me when im scared
or confused
or abused
if i pick a destination, they could get me there
so i take off, these handcuffs
all bcuz i no, that ive had enough
i hope now u no, what u need
i hope u never go, and just bleed


this was influenced

falling awake

i stare at nothing
i just cant fall asleep
so i think of something
that can relax me
but that ends up makin it harder
so i consentrate
on what i wonna do 2morro
and i seperate
my mind from my thoughts
bcuz if they r tangled
they r lost
and reman mangled
so i just stare into the dark
hear no sound but my heart
beating 2 the rhythem of the clock
i cant wait 4 it 2 stop
i dont wonna be alone
so i think of someone who has gone
2 the next level
the royal level
but that only brings sadness
which adds 2 my madness
so i start 2 play some songs
orion and sanaterium
right now they cant even save me
this night will last 4ever maybe?
i start asking answerless questions
about my life and my advestments
when will i die?
how will i go?
every time i ask that
the answers i dont know
so i lay paranoid in my bed
tryin 2 examine my head
but it just wont work out
i guess this is what sleepins all about
u just never get a break
try hard 2 sleep and try hard 2 get through the day
im just tired of stayin up till 3 A.M
sittin alone with my best friend
askin stupid questions about the occurance of the end
then i fall asleep just 2 wake up again
and start all over with gettin outa bed