Friday, October 27, 2006

Counting Cars

looking out the window
counting the cars fly by
i lost count at twenty two
but to please her i had to lie
i looked back her
and she was looking at me
she said tell me boy what ur looking at
i want to know everything you see
i told her it was just the interstate
roaring with engine crys
i didnt tell her that i was afraid
of the fact that she might die
she turned her head agasint the pillow
closed her old soft eyes
i looked out the hospital window
and i just wanted to cry
people who say tears are a weakness
are to weak to cry themselves
i think anyone woulda cried to
if they knew what i felt

you could bring me anything
you could give me close to nothing
you could give me just about everything
but nothing compares to love
i could count every car on the road
i could tell her everything i see
i could tell her i loved her more than anything
but all she wants is the best of me
here you go

looking out the window
cant see the cars fly by
i couldnt see a damn thing
with tears flooding my eyes
i looked back at her
she lay there asleep
i didnt say anything to her
because she has already seen what i see
hours turned to days and they went by
she returned just as sick to her home
where she watched her life pass her by
where she watched her children grow
eyes wouldnt open so she kept him shut
her heart beated to the ticking of the clock
everything went bad to worse
when u didnt hear the tick-tock

the best things in life rest in the people you dont know
i didnt know myself until she let go
here ya go


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tombstone Lullibye

shelter my soul
from the struggling pain
or leave me out to die
in the mind raping rain
leave my body
just let me wash away
to the depths of hell
to my forewarned grave

here i am where i once thought of
dreams became my destiny
here i am where i never thought id end up
wont you say rest in peace

throwing rocks at the tombstone
each rock leaves a mark
every nitch swipes a piece of light
leaving you helpess in the dark
infatuated by the words
narrow, fat, short and long
regretting the ones i never heard
they never will be anything but wrong
the valleys cold and the fog sinks in
my eyes running left to right
i whisper my name without knowing
who is hearing it under the night
eyes are starained by the darkness
mind erupts in taunting fear
a mist of light shines upon my face
and suddenly everything is seen so clear

here i am where i once thought of
dreams became my destiny
here i am where i thought id never end up
wont you say rest in peace

open mind to the minds yet to be opened
open eyes to those who cant see
i give my heart to those who have had theirs broken
that heart never did anything for me
tears are the only thing missing
from my disregaurded soul
so many things i find myself wishing
while i lay in oak down in my hole

tombstone lullibye
with a sound that sings you to sleep
u go to sleep breathing
u wake up in your dreams
tombstone lullibye
with words etched so deep
deep enough to pierce a heart
deep enough to make a blind man weep
tombestone lullibye
words are muted as they are read
one minute your living your life
the next minute your dead

here i am where i once thought of
dreams became my destiny
here i am where i never thought id end up
wont you say rest in peace


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Let it All Go

its just another day on the same old road
this road leaves me with no where to go
i pull over to find someone to ask
old man with a chip on his shoulder
it grew bigger as he grew older
he kept his wisdom in a flask
i asked him which way to go
he looked at me like he didnt know
then he said son you might as well turn back
he added on that it depending on the circumstances
if its love then u better take your chances
it only comes around now and then
he told me of a time when he was young
when he thought he was so in love
when he finished the chip grew again

so here i am
sitting at a 4 way intersection
here i am
looking for courage to pick a direction
where i stand
leaves me in a blank stare
where i am
leads me on a road to no where

so what if i pick this way
will it come back to haunt me the next day
so many questions running around me
the right one stands behind a curtain
which one it is i am not certain
and my sore heart just wont let me be
should i just give up now b4 i go crazy
only if one of them could save me
find a way to make me see
loves not a pleasurable thing
but really blinded by the stress your in
but you deny all the signs
i just dont know what to do
every day i find a different view
and im afraid to walk the line
the risk involved cant be worded
but i dont know if my heart is worth it
and im running out of time

so here i am
sitting at a 4 way intersection
here i am
looking for courage that can pick a direction
where i stand
leaves me in a blank stare
where i am
leads me on a road to no where

this thoughts dont come down to what i want
its all about not breaking hearts
beacuse i dont want to be that guy
i do not want to look into my mirror
and see a man who caused them tears
i just wont be able to get by
im not even happy
id let this stress kill me gladly
and i just dont know why
this kind of game just is not fair
because im lead on a road to no where
so should i just call it quits
every girl got a special mind
every girl i wish would be mine
i know i will have regrets with any thing i pick

so here i am here i am on a road to no where
with no advice to lead my way
except an old mans wisdom in a flask
so maybe i should just turn back?
and let it all go
let it all go


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fallen Tree

the world is a fallen tree
and its fallen right on top of me
ive got the world resting in my hands
branches surrounding where it fell
most are buring in this living hell
yet people do no understand
the world is a fallen tree
what a world we could make it
only if our hands didnt chop it down
in different directions we scattered
kept on going like life didnt matter
closed our ears so we didnt hear a sound


Monday, October 09, 2006

What He Said

theres times when i feel like giving up
but theres times when i just cant
ive been reading the same words on this stone
and this is all i get?
living just aint good enough
but its what i have to do
the best way to get through this mess
is just to fight on through
words just wont ever be enough
to me they are all the same
you come under the worlds umbrella
and you just get tossed back in the rain
i wake up every day
with the same question on my mind
while i try to find the answer
my day runs out of time

theres times when i feel like giving up
but theres times i just cant
ive been reading the same words on this stone
and this is what i get?
my heart is filled with anger
and circulating stress
stabbed with the rusted dagger
and the infected blood stains my chest
atleast it didnt go into my back
because the cut is so much more clean
angered by the thoughts inside me
because i dont no what they mean

the stone reads when he died
and the rest is faded in the stone
from my finger running against the words
when im crying all alone
i dont really want to carry on
but im motivated by his pride
sworn to living my life
since the day that he died
i have times when i feel like giving up
but theres times i just cant
words just arnt ever enough
but words are all i get
i dont want to hear any apologies
i just want to forget
..what he said


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Place for You

smile one more time
before you wave goodbye
smile so i can see it through my tears
and as im walking away
i wish that you coulda stayed
but now i find myself wishing you were here

for so long you were my only friend
for so long it you were the only one that would listen
but now things have changed
and my life is rearanged
but ill always find a place for you
days will go by and life will carry on
but now that your not here every day seems to long
i really dont know what to do
there is no one here to lead me through
because you always knew

however lifes to short to miss you forever
although its hard to resist
no doubt all the good times i will surely remember
and i wont forget you one bit
tears that once ment somthing
turn to nothing
as i realize the best way is through
cryings not the thing to do
so ill wave you goodbye
without a tear in my eye
and ill say i will miss you so much
but that cant stop love

so smile one more time so i can smile back
i will need that smile to brighten my day when things go black
while your gone
ill carry on
but i will always find a place for you


Monday, October 02, 2006

Sweet Jericho

every time is a good time
no matter the mood im in
you find a way to make me smile again
everytime i look in your eyes
instant joy runs through me
and every word u speak just sooths me

constant conversations of the past
o bring those memories back
i wish they coulda lasted forever
theres so many things to remember
sweet jericho

look towards the sun today
the way u make me feel i cant describe
but a part of me just comes alive
look towards the sun and say
theres nothing that can bring me down
theres nothing that can over throw your sound
many times ive tried to tell you
ive come up short and things have got in my way
but i hope to tell you some day
many times i have fell for you
everytime is a good time when your around
and theres nothing that can bring me down

constant conversations of the past
o memories that i wish i could have back
i wish they coulda lasted forever
and theres so many to remember
sweet jericho

look at me looking at you
i dont know if you can see it too
but i hope you can feel it
you have something that i need
and its you, thats what i seek
only if i could steal it
i wish i could tell your right now
i just want to shout it outloud
its been waiting in me so long
ive climbed this wall and now im done
every time i down im wear i just begun
sweet jericho just carries on
sweet jericho


Sunday, October 01, 2006


unheard of word
whispered in my ear
before i can ask the question
infront of me it appears
unheard thought
enters into my mind
before i could carry it out
i run out of time
unheard song
with unique words
words that make me feel good inside
words ive never heard
unheard fear
fills me with questions
before i can say them
im taught all there lessons
unheard crys
from angel's mouths
only if would listen more
we would no what they are shouting about
unheard lives
that still have a story to tell
so many stories left
but so many stories have gone to hell
unheard love
love thats never been
love that has a time bomb
the question is just when
unheard song
with unheard words
why whisper them when you can sing
otherwise those words will never be heard

unheard time
unheard place
it all comes together
in an unordinary way
unheard love
unheard thoughts
if you dont speak thats all it will ever be
and its no better than lost
unheard heart
unheard life
nothing will go for you
if you dont set things right