Thursday, September 01, 2005

the last time

this is the last moment we have 2gether
let us make it last as long as forever
and as long as that is
its still only one moment
this is the last time
i will ever say 2 u goodbye
and i cry bcuz u r all i have
and i let it pass by cuz im sick of being sad
i fall away into the ocean tide
i sail on the waves of my life
and the highest wave holds you
and what weve been through
my dreams, r smashed apon the ground
and your words 2 me mean nothing now
what is gone will never come back
and my problems just start 2 stack

this is the last time we will ever cry 2gether
i would like this moment 2 last 4ever
but in the end
its just a second
this is the last time i will let ur hand go
as much as i dont want 2 deep down i no
this is 4 the best of us
not 4 the rest of us
i see u drop ur self
i notice noone else
but you

i jump
i take the leap into the blackness
of night
and in midair i praythat everythings gonaa be
and the moon seems brighter
but not one thing could make this wrong
i reach out my hand just 2
no one grabs hold of my
life line
and i now no no ones on my
no thing could make this wrong

you have ur goals 2 persue
but theres some things that block you
ur dreams r sometimes smashed
and ur life begins 2, crash

i close my gates and i pray a prayer
i close my eyes 2 block whats out there
this is the last moment i will ever have with you
this is the last time i will say goodbye 2 you
this the last promise i will ask from you
make this the last time thats all i ask of you



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9/01/2005 8:32 PM  

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