Saturday, March 31, 2007

Step on Me

Step on me
Let me die
Don’t worry
Don’t you cry?
Do you not have a tear?
A single tear to shed
Please save me from this fear
That’s murdering my head

Step on me
Take my eyes
Let me be
In disguise
Make the world go away
Please just leave me alone
I have no where to stay
And my shoes are my home

Step on me
Take my heart
Ingest pain
Fall apart
A single tear to shed
Let the ash turn to gloom
Forget all that I said
Just please help me up soon


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

These Eyes

These eyes these eyes these eyes they watch
Watch my world go round and round
Forgetting about everything I lost
I do not want to let them down
These eyes they crumble me to pieces
They sway to hopes inconsistent pace
At times I wonder- where is Jesus?
Meanwhile he’s right in front of my face
These eyes they expect the world to change
They look at me and say- damn you’re great
I render myself mentally deranged
I too wish I could too fall to heavens gates

These eyes these eyes these eyes they watch
Watch my world evolve into something I do not know
I forget about these questions’s cost
These questions only seem to grow
These eyes they make me remember my pain
They make me realize how I have failed
I have watched my life stroll down the drain
And it seems that hell has prevailed
These eyes they have a way of making my mind rot
As they watch my world go round and round
These eyes these eyes these eyes they watch
These eyes I do not want to let down


Monday, March 26, 2007

Love Knot

Little girl wont you chase your dreams
Someday you will fly
Fly away to your destiny
High up in the sky
Look for hopes eternal flame
Feed of it with all your might
Hold the flame close to your heart
Let it bring darkness to light
I will buy you a balloon I swear
Around your finger it must be tied
How much it costs I don’t care
Someday you will fly

Little girl wont you chase your dreams
Someday they will all come true
Every single deed you have done
Will come directly back to you
Find your God whoever it may be
May love lead your ways
Lead you to someone so special
Who will listen to every word you say
I will buy you another balloon I promise
Around your finger it must be tied
A knot of love that is the strongest
Will make you someday fly

Little girl wont you chase your dreams
Never let that smile get far away
You have no idea how much it means
To the people who look at your pretty face
Love me great, love me little
I don’t care my love will always be there
Let our love start and kindle
Something we both can share
I will buy you another balloon tonight
Around your finger it must be tied
This one may help you fly away
High up in the sky
Little girl don’t let your dreams slip away
Keep them in the depths of your heart as long as your alive
I am a balloon making your dreams come true
Around your finger I remain tied


Sunday, March 18, 2007

I Love it When You Smile

With the world against your back
You look at me and smile
I do not know how you do it
But it helps you forget just for a while
Forget the possibility
Forget the miserable life
Think about being happy
And everything’s alight
A smile that could make satin laugh
A smile that could stop a bullet
A smile that causes me to double glace
A smile lived up to the fullest
A smile that makes everyone
Jealous that you are mine
A smile that reminds me
Why I love to look at you and find
A sense of happiness that is so foreign to me
I can not keep my eyes of you
I wonder right now what you are doing
I just love to watch you move
And when you turn with that smile
I forget about my past
And when I see that bright smile
I wonder how you can do it with the world at your back.

Without thorns
In a brand new Dawn
A rose is born
Healthy and strong
Red and lush
Fragrance of essence
It makes me weak
At its presence
No thorns it has
Flawless it seems to me
Brighten my life
Make me so happy
Take my hand
Not a peddle will be hurt
When you’re with me
You’re all I’m worth
Follow me close
And I will follow you
Without thorns
The rose still blooms

With the world against your back
You look at me and smile
As if the world has gone away
And it’s gone for awhile
You make my world leave me alone
And you give me something to ponder
The harder struggles in life
Make a smile even stronger
Forget about what ever
All eyes on me
Let out a giggle
And smile please
Use your smile to make me smile
A smile to make memorize
Forgive me, for when I speak
I don’t look into your eyes
Blinded by your beauty
Flashed by your splendor
I love many things in life
But to your smile theirs no contender
I love it when you smile
It brings me out of the black
How do you do it?
With the world against your back?


Thursday, March 15, 2007


What a burden this sadness brings
Living in the shadows under the devils wings
So much hatred of this place
Living in so many others disgrace
When I open my eyes…the depression stings

Chipping paint of a wall
Watch the decayed pieces fall
The ground is my safety net
Catching my lonesome regret
One will never know once you’ve chipped it all

Weight on my shoulders puts stress on my mind
The mind so lost, that I may never find
My heart is wrapped in shame
That already rotted my brain
I want to wage a war against all time

My life is a snowball of guilt
Leaning on a noodle stilt
The more I accomplish
The more I demolish
I contradict everything I ever built

Some one make these thorns go away
No longer do I want this pain and dismay
Give me a break please
Give me what I need
Will this burden of sadness will always stay?

Kill the cancer that rides on my rear
I can not see it, yet I see it so clear
It haunts me in senseless
In renders me mendless
Kill the cancer that ignites my fear

What a burden this sadness brings
I speak from the shadows under the devils wings
As long as I don’t understand
My head will rest in my hand
And when I open my eyes the depression will sting


Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Answer

That’s all we are filled with
The answers are right in front of us
But we still won’t get it
Anxiety attacks our minds leaving us helpless
The end justifies the means according to the selfish
It’s a world of money, that’s all anyone seeks
We look beyond the hate as we drown in greed
Time is not an issue because it is now forgotten
An ignored heart only has time to become rotten
You say it’s not like it mattered back then
But what goes around always revisits by the end
No one has the time anymore to look in the mirror
All that matters to them is what is seen by their peers
War is started over where two different minds meet
War wouldn’t be such a bad thing if the motive was peace
Propaganda turns the whole world queer
People believe what they read and play life by ear
A future forgotten is a future that’s lost
If it’s not planned out war and death is the cost
People don’t care about anyone else and I guess no reason is there
Because everyone thinks they are right and “life is just not fair”
Everyone has a hard life, but theirs is always harder
The people that got it easy always make it farther
That’s how it is through the eyes of the poor
But through the eyes of the plenty it’s so much more
Life is different through any set of eyes
No two people see it alike
It’s hard on everyone so why complain
Everyone loses in this unbeatable game
So many questions…
The answers are right in front of us sitting so keen
But the way things are now…
They will never be seen


Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Sorry for who I am
Sorry for what im not
Sorry for not being there
Sorry for what was lost
Sorry for what you now have to face
Sorry for the things I said
Sorry for the love you chased
Sorry for the things in my head
Sorry for yesterday
Sorry for tomorrow
I am sorry for everything
I am sorry for your sorrow
Please forgive me
Please keep moving on
Try to forget me
I am sorry for being gone
Sorry for hurting you
Sorry for not saying goodbye
You know that I love you
Sorry for taking my life.