Monday, March 26, 2007

Love Knot

Little girl wont you chase your dreams
Someday you will fly
Fly away to your destiny
High up in the sky
Look for hopes eternal flame
Feed of it with all your might
Hold the flame close to your heart
Let it bring darkness to light
I will buy you a balloon I swear
Around your finger it must be tied
How much it costs I don’t care
Someday you will fly

Little girl wont you chase your dreams
Someday they will all come true
Every single deed you have done
Will come directly back to you
Find your God whoever it may be
May love lead your ways
Lead you to someone so special
Who will listen to every word you say
I will buy you another balloon I promise
Around your finger it must be tied
A knot of love that is the strongest
Will make you someday fly

Little girl wont you chase your dreams
Never let that smile get far away
You have no idea how much it means
To the people who look at your pretty face
Love me great, love me little
I don’t care my love will always be there
Let our love start and kindle
Something we both can share
I will buy you another balloon tonight
Around your finger it must be tied
This one may help you fly away
High up in the sky
Little girl don’t let your dreams slip away
Keep them in the depths of your heart as long as your alive
I am a balloon making your dreams come true
Around your finger I remain tied



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