Wednesday, December 13, 2006


i am still awake
counting snow flakes
on this christmas eve
i count myself to sleep
i remember the times
when this was so much more
than just a christmas tree
and presents on the floor
santa clause did exist
those are the times i mostly miss
something was in me
that inspired me to live
those are the times i mostly miss

i was so anxious for dawn
so i could jump out of my bed
i could not sleep at all
with excitment running through my head
i imagined what it would be like
seeing the presents under the tree glow
i couldnt resist not getting up
so down the stairs i would tip toe
so quietly i stepped
avoiding all the houses creeks
every step i took
seemed like it took for weeks
when the bottom approached
i looked into the room
i could see the room glow
and smell the pine fumes
with my eyes open wide
and my mouth fallen open
i tryed to peek at the presents
leaving them without no body knowing
i smiled as i could tell everything on my list
was sitting infront of me wrapped in paper
those are the times i mostly miss
when i just could barely wait for later
i chose to walk up the stairs though instead
back up to the pitch black dark abyss
anxious with a smile, i sneaked up the steps
those are the times i mostly miss

i didnt even no that i fell asleep
i woke up with daylight beemed on my cheek
i looked out my window and saw the snow resting
not melting yet but the sun was contesting
i rub my eyes out and i jump to the floor
i wake up my brother with a slam of the door
i wake up my sisters, not caring how grumpy they will be
when they are opening presents they'll be thanking me
i sit on the steps with everyone else
mom and dad tease us just for their health
they open the gate we all fly down
pushing and shoving eachother around
paper starts flying
everyones smiling
a priceless picture
nothing i would replace it with
but its all just a memory now
those are the times i mostly miss
and all i have now is just the word christmas
comercialized with jokes and gifts
there is no such thing as a wish
why cant santa still exist
those are the times i mostly miss

i want to sit awake
just count snow flakes
this christmas eve
i want to count myself to sleep.....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's adorable. what a sad ending

12/19/2006 11:30 PM  

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