Friday, March 31, 2006

the night's clouds

look into the sky at night
and faces are lineing the clouds
no one knows who they belong to
but they r always looking down
they are looking for a person
or someone that can relieve
that dont have a description
all they want is someone that believes

and as soon as you start running
you find away to stumble
you too are looking for something
a individual not a bundle
and then you to start wonder
to whom do they belong
and ur mind begins to ponder
and everything stops as time carries it on

no one can save you
no one can pave the way
make sure you dont whisper out loud
no one could insult what you do
theres not a word anyone can say
when your face is in the night's clouds

tears will be tears
and thats what they will be
tears bring more fears
the sight is to blurry for the eye to see
once you awaken
you fall back to sleep
and as your life is shaken
your soul begins to weep

dust into dust
ash into ash
love is coated with lust
and rust is over that
sinking in lower
time after time
but time becomes a lil slower
in the aged mans mind
feeling no pain
but its feelings you lack
once your out in the rain
you will never come back

no one can save you
no one can pave the way
make sure you dont whisper out loud
no one can insult what u do
there is not a word for anyone to say
when your face is in the night's clouds

looking from the sky at night
ur face is lineing the clouds
you dont no what ur looking at
but ur always loooking down
sometimes you see
right through the message
what ever it may be
as long as its read u got the blessing
night after night
u wait there up high
until someone walks into the site
of the love-wanting mans eye

you think you have found the person
the person that can relieve
they fit your description
and you surly believe
what you are looking at
u wish to be alive
and you get a lil scared of that
bcuz love could bring lies

no one can stop you
no one can bring this to a hault
once u find what u want
then nothing is your fault
you feel so careless
and no word is good enough to come out of ur mouth
for love is so endless
when your face is in the night's clouds...



Thursday, March 30, 2006


and if i would know every uncertain thing
then those things wouldnt be uncertain
and if i would blind the entire world
then there would be no one to hide behind the curtain
if i would find a cure for every disease
then there would be no one being dead
what a magnificent world it would be
atleast thats whats running through our heads
sometimes the perfect things arnt always the best
most of the time the most perfect thing is beating in your chest

if i would die today
what difference would it make
what would you say
would ur soul even shake
would u cry all day long
or would u just sit there
would u take it and be strong
or would u just gaze in a blank stare
either way it wouldnt really matter at all
bcuz once ur lying on ur face u cant bring back the fall

if i would end all war today
would all war really end
would they really do what they say
or will they just pretend
if i stopped all violence dead in its shoes
there would be no one to make crime
and if i were to take away all the bad news
then there would be nothing to run through my mind
if i would to say that i am the resurection
would anyone nail me to a cross
and if i were to steal ur reflection
would u even realize that it was lost

if i would know every uncertain thing
then those things wouldnt be uncertain
and if i would blind the entire world
there would be no one to hide behind the curtain
so u ask urself why doesnt he do as he speaks
bcuz the world might have less scars on the other cheek
for as long as the world keeps turning
my cheeks do as well
bcuz with every hit i keep learning
the difference between heaven and hell
life it seems to keep growing colder
but tears wont kill you yet
bcuz as the world gets older
ull die first of running out of breath
and if the world would end at this momment
where would u stand


Monday, March 27, 2006

i dont need what u think i need

i dont need what u think i need
cuz what u think means nothing to me
every eye i stare into is one of curiousity
and every word i hear is an appology
when u want life to be a circus
a circus is what u revieve
everyone is happy
exept the ppl being seen
seen behind there cages
you dont no what they need
laugh a lil harder and
blackness your heart will bleed
violence is not an problem its just an issue
i dont want to hear anyone cry of it
go find yourself some tissues
my ears arnt for hearing you complain
if i wanted to hear some wyners
id go out into the rain
the mood is intense to fit the act
everyone is angry
and it seems that no one is coming back
this war is a monster
blood is its sponser
labeling every thing that fights
making it go on even longer
some people get stronger
as the decission gets wronger
and u find urself asking
is life really worth lasting
i dont need what u think i need
cuz what u think means nothing to me
every eye i stare into is one of curiousity
every word that i hear is an apology
eyes are checked and everythings in line
every thing is on our side exept time
the weather dosnt matter until the coldness comes
and when that happens we all gotta run
high ground isnt safe in that situation
we all go to the forest to resist starvation
although we get lost in the trees we find ourselves
something that we find that can be found by nobody else
when the warm weather comes we lose it however
we are all like the wind bcuz we change with the weather
when its good we are out and about cuz thats where its at
when its bad we r alone and we dont wonna ever come back
what ever is cool thats what we wonna be
but sometimes we forget to be "me"
i dont need any advice
on how to make my life better
i got my rights
to create my own pleasure
day will be day
night will be night
so get outa my way
and stop tring to run my life
i dont need what u think i need
what u think means nothing to me
every eye i stare into is one of curiousity
and every word that i hear is an apology


Sunday, March 26, 2006

here i go again

above me
below me
i need someone
to show me
my mistakes
the risks i take
the things i get
for when i wake
minds are lost
times the cost
and we keep living
as if we were shot
fall away
drift away
leave it as that
no more words to say
nothing to feel
nothing is real
i run to hide
i need something to steal
anything is fine
times going by
at this momment
im found asking why
why this
why that
i really dont no
why has the world turned black
total dark
need some sparks
i look for a smile
to brighten my heart
then i think to myself i go again

boom boom the bomb drops
bang bang and your heart stops
in a split second things change so fast
so clean and quick but forever they last
tick tock goes the clock and time flys by
watch it go and go right past ur eyes
its so hard to know that theres nothing u can do
so u watch the clock slowly murder you
seconds turn to minutes, minutes turn to days
days turn into forever and there are no words to say
no words to describe
how it is to realize
the unkown feeeling that you withold
and never this feeling can get old
feels so right
feels so nice
it gives me strenght
it gives me life
it anchors me in a way that nothing ever did
i live of it and i wish i had something more to give

emptiness rules the world
there for the world is empty
but if the world is empty then what are we?
well we are just nothing
the ocean if full of water
its up to if u want to swim
everything depends on you
so tell me how deep do u go in

above me
below me
i need someone
to show me
the real world
cuz im stuck
in my mind
and idk what
the world really is
cuz i just see it as
what my mind thinks
and that turns me to spaz
no one really knows
no one can really show
what i need to know
bcuz they wont go this low
...and i think to myself
here i go again...


Friday, March 24, 2006

love is...

love is just for fools wise enough to take a chance
glasses are for geniouses dumb enough to take a second glance
a hungry heart can only quench love more
bcuz its always looking for itself to be restored
love is like a violin
the music stops now and then
but the strings remain forever
forever means u dont no where it starts nor begins

love is like a splinter that is endless
that jams into your heart
which makes ur heart o so mendless

if u dare to judge some one
u have no time to like them
once ur mind is set then ur done
and u spend the rest of ur life hidding from them

when u find your lover dont look for mistakes
because u just might find them
dont look at love with your eyes
because u just might blind them
the easiest way out is to just go through
the best way not to lie is to be true

the heart has reasons in which the mind cannot comprehend
the heart has messages that the mind just can not send
i find my self asking time and time again
where does love start and where does love end

love is the only game u will ever play where two ppl win
love is like a erupting maze, you dont no where to begin
most of the time
the finish line is far away so dunning
and that is when ur heart
has to to start on its running

if u cease to speak u cease to learn
if u cease to work u cease to earn
u get nothing out of nothing
and u get everything out of something

when u love its like a dream
the end u wish not be
love is like an endless stream
it grows and grows till it reaches the sea

if love is just fools wise enough to take a chance
consider me the biggest fool that has ever passed your glance


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

walking along

im walking along
and i dont no where to go
nor know where im going
and the winds just blowing
im walking along
and i see so many different routes
but i just cant figure out
where i belong
but i keep walking along
the same old narrow road
with my eyes faced towards the sky
look for an answer from the big guy
im walking along
walkin away from my cold dark cinic
and i take in this graceful minute
bcuz soon it will be gone

soon i will be happy again
with my loves and with my friends
but until then
ill keep asking when
soon i will have my eyes refixed
and ill have my world on my finger tips
with love at the end of my lips
and anything that i ever wished

im walking along
no darkness in the world
that can unhipnotize me
it can only mezmorize me
im walking along
with a confident grin on my face
and the wind at my back
and nothing could go wrong
im walking along
and im so happy for one good reason
this journy will never bore me
and there is nothing to adhore me
im walking along
thinkin of the same old things
flying on my same old wings
singing the same old song

soon i will be where i want to be
with eyes refixed to see
the real and ideal me
living o so happily
soon i will be where i be belong
where nothing could wrong
and it will never be gone
cuz with me it will keep walking along...


Monday, March 20, 2006

just no body.,..

im walking slowly
and im so lonley
it seems the worlds so much farther ahead
so much farther ahead
i feel like crying
bcuz im dying
my body is brutal and worn
from facing this wicked storm

and i dont want to
take a different view
but it looks as if its the only way
and i hafta do it if i want them to go away
and im scared
of whats out there
i awake at night with a shiver
cuz i just want to be with her

you can be you
i can be me
we can be what we want to be
but if ur not urself
than ur just no body

it seems like we are tied in confusion
and theres so much that we are losing
but time can work for us
and now it cant deplore us
and i dont no what to say
so i just begin to pray
but i dont no what im praying for
i dont no what i want anymore

i found her
or she found me
i love to talk with her
i love that personality
but if i could
have every thing in the world
id turn it all away
bcuz all i want is this girl
this girl

you can be you
i can be me
we can be whatever we want to be
but if ur not urself
then ur just nobody

only if i knew
what to do
id do it in an instance
no matter what the distance
i dont care
if its unfair
thats what life really is now a days
thats where it is and thats where it stays
screw the rules
screw being cool
what does it all mean if ur not happy
and then ur crappy

life and death
is whats left
but im still left in the shadows
down in the gallows
heres the path
small and strait
all i got to do is follow and ill get to
being with you
there is no easy way
and nothing to say
to escape and get out so i got to
just keep on fighting through

you can be you
i can be me
we can be what ever we want to be
but if ur not urself
you are no body

and i wont forget where my heart is anymore
and i wont forget what im fighting for
i wont forget what im trying to get to
and all i want is to get to you



Sunday, March 19, 2006

kicking and screaming

kicking and screaming inside my head
shooting my thoughts making them dead
round and round it keeps on going
do not panic on what i said

running to know where
im at a dead end
for not another rule
could i even bend
at times im useless
but still i sit
thinking i can do this
but i cant do it
ive reached as deep as i can go
and ive had my head in the clouds
ive screamed inside
and ive whispered outloud
ive deprived my self
of everything out there
ive isolated myself
and im running to no where

her eyes dont water
they just pour
and they wont stop coming
until there is no more
death will come
b4 shes stops crying
she crys bcuz
ppl r dying
day after day
i find my self asking
is life even worth

every single day is just another stress
every moment that goes by
with this on my chest
is a moment that i want to cry
falling deep
into worry
my minds asleep
and my thoughts scurry
watch it go
tick tock tick tock
and idk
if this is my lifes clock
when the hands strike midnight
maby im gone
and my hands are folded
and im asking whats going on
my mind wont tell me
nor will my heart
my eyes can see
through this blurry part

kicking and screaming inside my head
shooting my thoughts and making them dead
round and round it keeps on going
do not panic on what i said


Thursday, March 16, 2006

sweet surrender

shes like a sun setting on the ocean waves
she like one of those perfect days
and everything goes so right
one of those days when u cant wait to go to bed and dream at night
she leaves u wanting to come back for more
shes like something ive never seen b4
when i close my eyes i dont no what to see
i cant visualize anything as pretty as she
shes got a smile that could stop time
and eyes as deep as the night sky
just another reason to get up everyday
cuz i know in the long run these deeds will pay
the first time our eyes met they mushed together
slowly and silent it became a treasure
i dont know where this is going
i hesitate to show what im showing
i need so many things that i dont got
im lookin for the piece that fits the spot
im looking for something that can satisfy
something that can slow the days from going by
i got no argument nor a reason
i guess u can call this just a feeling
but if the past serves correct feelings are great
its good to have someone that i can appriciate
i myself am quite confused
and my mind feels so abused
i cant believe i found the words
to write something to write for her
so hard to describe an undiscribable being
its like going into battle without seeing
i do not know what i could do
so i wrote this poem for you
nothing more could i really say
no other thing could show the way
how i feel, deep inside
and what i dream of when i go to bed at night
just like the sun setting on the ocean waves
its good to believe that i feel this way
perfection isnt impossible, its just rare
and when i look at this puzzle i think ur there
this is so certain, so umbelievable
that something so great is so achieveable
ill do my best, as long as you do yours
ur like something ive never seen b4


Tuesday, March 14, 2006


if u look for something good in the world
u wont have much to find
an eye for an eye
ends up makin the whole world blind
some might not know what we wonna be
but we all keep a strait face
but she knows what she sees
and her eyes in the right place
you wont live long enough
to see the worlds sequal
when u look into the eyes of a liar
u should see your equal
the cynical believe is so unrealistic
those ppl are like a fated wish
bcuz if ur a cynic
u too are way to selfish

the man with one eye
sees so much more than one with two
he dosnt look inside
bcuz he sees right through
give life some time
respect brings honor
in the world of the blind
the one eyed man conquers
and what a world that would be
although it may not be fitting
but the world that he sees
is the world that we live in

search to seek
seek to feel
one that is meek
is one made of steel
looks can rob you
of all of the truth
just like looks can mob you
of your own youth
tell me where u wonna be
when jesus returns
what would he see
through his eyes of dern


Thursday, March 09, 2006

disaster is me

my hearts beating at a speedy rate
my eyes are shaking and i cant concentrate
im so pissed off i cant take the time to think
i have broken the void in my chain link
and seconds go by
as i stand there and try
to keep a positive addititude
but its so hard to give him graditude
when hes laughing in your face
because of my disgrace
i really dont no whats going on
i really dont no what im doing wrong
but its time for me to step to the plate
but when i go to swing every time im late
now i no that somethings missing
would it help if i join the rest and started ass kissing
and now my hands sting
and im stumbling
i have fallen so many times i forget what its like to be strong
and i find my self asking how much longer will this go on

ive been through the highs and the lows
ive seen the end of the road
but ive never gone through something like this
surviving it painfree could be my only wish
i have no hope, i got no faith
i have been deprived and i still cant concentrate
i can only fit so much stuff in my mind
and every day has only so much time
i got so many things to do and places to be
i forget about my own life i forget about me
just stuck in the mud i crawl my way through
as soon as i get close to the end i get shoved back in the stew
this is a silent argument
my mind is twisted and bent
to match my body which is worn and pale
my fate from the start was to fail

and my heart starts beating real slow
im fadding away but i wont let go
my eyes no longer 20-20
everythings just a bit fuzzy
so i close my eyes
and hum a lullabye
and try to go to sleep
and take the preasure off my blistered feet
and as i go to bed
i have the same old thought in my head
2morro morning
ill wake up and ill go back to the boring
life ive been living
nothing seems to be giving
and i keep on taking
keep on breaking
everythings a mess now
i will confess now
i am a disaster
my heart beats faster and faster
and i cant take it any longer
my rage gets stronger
so i take it on my self
cuz its my fault, not no body else do you like me now


Wednesday, March 08, 2006


nevermind all of this
lifes just a bloody nose
it always finds a clenched fist
anger is no resort for frustration
there is no better way to let it out
recollect yourself and confirm the salutations
one war starts, another one ends
once you go home once
u shouldnt have to go back again
im sorry mr president i do not make the rules
go hold another bomb convention
and go play battleship with your 400 some fools
u no ur all in trouble if the person that guides you
as a raving lunitic
and he also trys to hide from you
we gotta come to the point when we believe
the greatest things in life
are the things you cannot see
and until then we all slowly disolve
life is just a mystery
and its one we can not solve

fighting for my answers but i will not find them
im like a ship without a captain
i got no one to guide them
winning is no achievement its just a reward
step back and face the bullets
for those are the ppl who should be adored
if u keep pouring ill keep swallowing
but if i go for it
will u keep following
u can call me a cheater and i wouldnt care
you can ask y ppl die
and id say life just aint fair
crying is not an issue, its more of weakness
and if thats the case
than im the weakest person on the planet
this is where the truth belongs
in my insane mind
for truth it longs
but no one seems to have the answers i need
i hate the kinda ppl
that cut you and laugh as they watch u bleed
so forsaken me y dont plz
im sick and tired of always begging on my knees


Friday, March 03, 2006

morning dew

a tearful sunset
setting over the 9th green
we just cant forget
and we wish it was a dream
but just like every wish, it wont come true
life is such a bitch, but what can ya do?

say goodbye
to everything you once knew
watch what u loved die
only if your wishes came true
and here we go again, down the same old trail
life could be heaven, or it could be hell

so i took a breath
and every second that went by seemed like forever
and now we take whats left
and we cherish it and make it our sacred treasure
and as i looked into his teary eyes, i trembled
it took so long for me to realize, how they resembled

o so brave
with 2 roses in his hands
he took them to the grave
but nothing could make him understand
theres no good explanation, for such a sad thing
but we will take this invotation, and take what life has to bring

but as we proceed
with our heads high and with so much pride
we march to the future and leave
all of the past behind and set it all aside
bring it on, because i am ready to endure
every single thing im asking for..

and heres the tearful sunset
setting over the 9th green
we just cant forget
and we wish all this was just a dream
but just like every sunset, a sunrise comes up with the morning dew
and i will never regret, getting up with the sunrise too...