Thursday, March 30, 2006


and if i would know every uncertain thing
then those things wouldnt be uncertain
and if i would blind the entire world
then there would be no one to hide behind the curtain
if i would find a cure for every disease
then there would be no one being dead
what a magnificent world it would be
atleast thats whats running through our heads
sometimes the perfect things arnt always the best
most of the time the most perfect thing is beating in your chest

if i would die today
what difference would it make
what would you say
would ur soul even shake
would u cry all day long
or would u just sit there
would u take it and be strong
or would u just gaze in a blank stare
either way it wouldnt really matter at all
bcuz once ur lying on ur face u cant bring back the fall

if i would end all war today
would all war really end
would they really do what they say
or will they just pretend
if i stopped all violence dead in its shoes
there would be no one to make crime
and if i were to take away all the bad news
then there would be nothing to run through my mind
if i would to say that i am the resurection
would anyone nail me to a cross
and if i were to steal ur reflection
would u even realize that it was lost

if i would know every uncertain thing
then those things wouldnt be uncertain
and if i would blind the entire world
there would be no one to hide behind the curtain
so u ask urself why doesnt he do as he speaks
bcuz the world might have less scars on the other cheek
for as long as the world keeps turning
my cheeks do as well
bcuz with every hit i keep learning
the difference between heaven and hell
life it seems to keep growing colder
but tears wont kill you yet
bcuz as the world gets older
ull die first of running out of breath
and if the world would end at this momment
where would u stand



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