Monday, February 27, 2006


i walk through the depths of the unforgiven
it is dark, it is deep and it is unforbidden
to the naked eye to see, but my eyes lingered
i answered all your questions with my middle finger

ive dreamed of my future and i was scared
i screamed for god but no one seemed to be there
i had so many questions, and not enough answers
the good thing about life is there is always second chances
with my blackened eyes and my worn face
i go to view such a dreadful place
for no reason i have to be alive
for no reason i grabbed that hand so i wouldnt die
in the world of wrong and right decissions
there is no time for ears, its all in the visions
we cant understand what we dont see
and if all we did was listen we wouldnt believe
money is the reason of this hate and depression
we got so many sinners and not enough confessions
and my heart is beating at an incredible pace
but i continue with my blackened eyes and my worn face

theres a little tiny girl, and shes always followed
by a bigger male, whose tears he swallows
he mutes her crys to keep her alive
he dosnt want to let go cuz she needs to survive
his whole life depends on if she lives or dies
his eyes are on her and as every second goes by
one more question gets knocked off the wall
one more person mistakenly falls
its a life of mistakes and if u make them ur screwed
and if u havnt made one yet than ur over due
the problem is that we dont watch anything
we keep our ears open and we miss everything
it goes in one and goes out the other
we are killing men that really r our brothers
i dont y this continues to be
we need someone to fess up besides me

sometimes i wish life was real simple
with every problem it brings another wrinkle
and we age so lonley and we helplessly die
if only somebody could spare us some time
no courtousy in the world as we no it
at least the ppl we see never show it
it pissed me off that i have to think of this
i wonna go to sleep but ill end up falling the abyss
my dreams are smashed with every passing moment
there are ppl in trouble and they dont no it
as i look to the future it remains my biggest fear
cuz we dont use our eyes all we do is hear
the every day question that goes through our heads
if we opened our eyes so many ppl wouldnt be dead
WHY am i breathing
WHY arnt i sleeping
why am i writing this poem that keeps proceding
why does my mind feel like its bleeding
only if the world saw what i am seeing
behind these eyes something is creeping
i can feel under my skin the pain is seeping
deeper and deeper
im getting weaker and weaker
day after day
time after time
in our eyes
we need to try to find
some sorta answer
in our sense of mind
why do so many things have to go wry
as i live through this nightmare i cant awaken
it seems as my sould has been taken
now it is i, who is unforgiven
as i walk through the depths of the unforbidden


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

a better life

i can feel the wind blow through these near naked trees
i can see his face glow in the sky above me
but that dosnt change the past from being so grey
i wish i could take back everything that happened on that day

and what im going through is worth all my while
all i want to see is one more of those smiles
when ur heart just stops beating
and you dont believe what your seeing

open your eyes
open your eyes
the sunshine is on your side
close your eyes
and dream of a better life

he sat in his rocking chair just rocking
until he found himself in his coffin
o it was a cloudy muggy morning
and the tears just kept pouring

and on her death bed she laid helplessly
when she took her hand it just killed me to see
such a sad moment go bye
then she closed her eyes and died

open your eyes
open your eyes
the sunshine is always on your side
close your eyes
and dream of a better life

friday evening i heard the news
o the sorrow i wanted to refuse
but when i looked into his beaten eyes
the least i could do is fall and cry

i cant ask god cuz he would have no explanation
to this incredible devistation
and i just sat there doing my best
as i watched another one get laid to rest

open your eyes
open your eyes
the sunshine is always on your side
close your eyes

i dont know what to do withmyself anymore
after i fall i get back up and i find my self on the floor
there seems to be no way to escape this
and i start to think ill never make it

i cant just retreat to my dreams
cuz everything i once loved has run away from me
so now i just sit alone and cry at night
close my eyes...and dream of a better life

open your eyes
oppen your eyes
the sunshine is always on your side
now just close your eyes
and dream of a better life
a better life...


in your honor

Monday, February 20, 2006

unawareness of the criminal

and everything stops
here we go again
just let me no
when i can breathe again
i have cursed myself with my own poison
i have got into what ive been trying to be avoiding
friends to foes just like that
im like a bug on the windshield, splat
splat, and just like that
everything changes and a mater of fact
its changed for the worse
without me knowing
and i didnt even no that it was showing

and everything stops
once again here i am
with a guilty face
caught with red hands
im a criminal of an unkown crime
and i guess this criminal has evolved over time
into a trader
call darth vador
im takin away dreams
with my green light sabor
and i cant stop killing cuz i really dont know
what is in for me at the end of the road
i become unconsious
there goes my knowledege
all that ive believed has been flushed by me
crushed by me
everyhing that was once
loved by me
is gone, gone just like that
all my dreams were dead where they sat
because of this i might not ever no
how big of a star i could been
ill never no

and everything stops
just for a little bit
until this derailed train gets out of the pit
i think i can i think i can
win this batttle
as i face the devil i continue to prattle
son of a bitch i almost lost
everything that has ever brought
me to my potential
i almost made it
if it wasnt for you
it coulda been to the grave yeah
and everything stops
and then it begins
and once again
all my sins are forgived

i cant belive i let this get outta hand
and i had to be told by a second man
by a simple act that i did that just pushed it over the edge
i didnt realize it, but it was all in my head
it continuely grew and grew in my mind
and i became a criminal over some time
a criminal of something out my mind
a lonely criminal unaware of his crime
thats what i was thats what i am
all i try to do is become a better man
and through this experience i think i got stronger
im just glad it didnt go on longer
its over now, i can live again
and every things starts up
and i can breathe again.



Sunday, February 12, 2006

hidden hero

where is jesus
when u need him?
as i lay unconsionsly
i wonna be a police man
a fire chief, yeah
i wonna be all i can be
i say a prayer
cuz i am scared
but i dont no if he hears
then he comes to
my rescue
and he chases away my fears
the mirror was stolen
then it was broken
to match my dishonest face
when i lay dying
and quietly crying
i will remember my happy days
they were happy
sometimes crappy
but always brought a smile
in an instance
i knew he would listen
so i spoke loudly for a while
no one is leaving
nor achieving
from this mess we are in
we get nothing
from the wrong thing
so y do we think we still can win
hearts are broken
ripped right open
for no good cause
with out knowing
in this moment
my life remains on pause

it comes so fast
so little it does last
and surly it always goes
reaching deeper
and walking steeper
as my window begins to close
the wind is frightful
never delightful
it scares the hell out of me
he is strength and wings
he is everything
including my eyes when i cant see
fighting harder
as it grows larger
my problem can only get worse
u say goodbye
to this lullaby
as u wave to the loaded herse

seen as a zero
an unlikely hero
tho he still sheds tears
time is a motivation
of this dramatation
but the end is no where near
then comes jesus
right when u need him
chasing away all my fears..


Saturday, February 04, 2006

angel with butterfly wings

to whome it may concern
i feel more pain with every word
i want this no more
so let the tables turn

for i will never know how it feels
only if this scar could be healed
for i am being washed down the whirl
as i am put out 2 be seen by the world
and i no longer use u as my shield

the pain seers in through my skin
as the air becomes screamingly thin
i close my eyes
and prepare to die
as i face the death angels grin

minutes go by as i lay there alone
crying inside and longing for home
a whistling tune runs through my ear
bring me courage and chasing my fear
in this dark phase i will no longer roam

then i hear, the angel sings
and the bells begin to ring
i wait for the wind to start blowing up
so i can fly to the heavens above
i am a proud angel with butterfly wings

and when my wings spread out wide
i flapped them graciously as i flew in the sky
i wont have to the pain any more
or live through this tedious war
and now my cheeks will reamin dry

and though it seems the glory is endless
my broken heart will always be mendless
there is no creation that could pull
my sorrowed mind in from the cold
for my will power and stuburness is relentless

so i sit in the florecent white place
looking with a mournfull face
and although the bell still rings
and im an angel with butterfly wings
in my heart there is still an empty space