Friday, February 23, 2007

Sphere of Confusion

The world is so round
A sphere of confusion
My heart’s contusion
Can not be found
The world disgusts me
A globe of dirt
Everyone gets hurt
Why can this be?
The world blows my mind
How can some stuff really happen?
But Its not sun that we are lacking
The sun Is up somewhere all the time

Where is the sun?
We are living in a world of black
Some have gone so far to find happiness
And they are never coming back
Where is the sun?
I miss the ray of light
I miss being able to see the blue sky
But for now I am stuck with the black of night

The world is so round
A sphere of anxiety
With a washed-up society
Who all runs to the sound
The world is killing zone
Murder is now a pastime
Murderer’s eyes are often blind
What they kill they do not know
The world is a subject of detestation
Drama and war
Who knows what we are fighting for?
But that’s part of the complication

All hope is lost
Hope is found under a stone
No one looks under the rock they toss
Therefore hope is thrown
I look to the sinister earth
I see no rocks left
Hope is gone for good
I wonder what we will throw away next?
The world is a sphere of confusion
In time it too will be thrown away
Is life just a enormous illusion
Waiting for us to realize our own decay



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