Friday, February 09, 2007

Failure's Finest

Failure is all I have to motivate me now
As I look upon a dwindling crowd
I look at the people that still believe in me
And I start to wonder what they see in me
For what have I done to show that I can?
None of this garbage do I truly understand
A facelift of feelings is all I want now
I just need some kindle to spark my crowd
First and foremost my mind needs to be swayed
It needs replenished and it needs the anger to go away
Anger in my soul will never give rest
Until I know that I have tried my best
I stop myself before I barrel down the funnel
And hope to maybe catch some light at the end of the tunnel

I close my eyes when I can’t stand the world anymore
But that’s just a temporary solution to a long term problem
I fight of my fear with my tears, but it’s to long of a war
To escape the problems and its pain so I suggest we solve them
I have no real reason to give you a smile
Because the worlds to black to see my grin
I guess being happy is a lost cause now
…now that we fight off the world we live in
Money is the essential subject
But money can not by time
Money is the world’s prime suspect
Yet who can afford to convict it of a crime?
I shake the eight ball in hopes of an answer
To these problems that I can not deny
The eight ball gives me a bold worded answer
However the eight ball is full of lies.

I am trapped in a world where failure is my only friend
And the dwindling crowd dwindles once again
What else do I have, who else will believe
People look straight through my eyes, and look past what I achieve
Hidden in my laughter and hidden under my skin
Hiding in the war against the world that I live in
Just so happens to be a heart so large
I keep that heart behind thick bars
Opening it to only the people that read
Open to those who are willing to believe
Though my crowd dwindles and becomes extinct
I still have my mind, and I still have all that I think
And now it seems that I have seen the light at the end of the tunnel all along
A bright light that can be easily seen
However hope does not polish in the light…
It is just a train fidgeting right for me



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