Saturday, September 02, 2006

Hallowed Be Thy Name

the church bell rings
the circus begins
gossip is exploading
minds are eroding
the passion of christ
is creating life after life
the alter is burning
the world stops turning
chaos is jaded
the words become faded
they say everything was created
i think i am persuaded
but words disappear
washed away by the tears
chaos becomes clear
in comes the factor of fear
surrounded by flaws
we ask where is god
but if would open our eyes
stop being so blind
we would see what we cant
then we would understand
but the church bells continue
the circus sticks in you
candles burn with flames from hell
the world is controled by the angel that fell
chaos regained
minds go insane
sanity is all that is known
and its all that we show
everything gone wild
grins steal the smiles
the alter is burning
all anger is churning
but in the midst off all smoke
there still is some hope
the crusifix fighting off all the temptations
and it keeps on saving
life after life
fight after fight
hell falls back into place
chaos beings to fade
time starts to move
lives start to improve
the alter drowns in holy water
the worlds thrown is taken over by our father
who is in heaven hallowed be thy name
in his kingdom he reings
and it will never change
in the end of the day our are beliefs worth it
it dosnt matter cuz its all a circus
everythings a joke
everything means nothing
its up to you to make your beliefs
actually mean something



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