Friday, August 18, 2006

Minds Island

tears of fury run down my face
with my middle finger at my side
and my mind runs away to this place
the place that chases my fears
and nothing can go wrong
thats why, thats why i love it here

reality strikes harder the second time
and my head really starts to spin
and i get lost in my mind
now nothing seems to be ok
so i save all i got
for some other, miserable day

laying in bed with my eyes open wide
still angered by about today
i still got my middle finger at my side
and then i close my eyes
and all i can dream of is
dream of a better life

wake up to the music blasting in my ear
get out of bed and begin my day
but i cant go a day without yelling the mirror
walk outside and my mind takes me away
then reality makes me realize
im living, another miserable day

then i let my anger out of its cage
raise my middle finger in the air
and get rid of all my rage
and then im done until the next tear comes down my face
until then
my mind will run me away to this place
basking infront of heavens gates
and the door keep awaits
for that miserable day....



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