Monday, July 31, 2006

The Lies Unkown

little girl play under sheets of denial
watching the men walking single file
walking to where they think is great
walking into hells camoflage gates
little girl play in her skin of guilt
tearing down everything that once was built
what the world once was is what it has became
nothing it was and nothing it remains

family of wreched minds we are
watching our empire fall
brother and sister in blood we are
on our naked knees we crawl
to the end of what will be
and what it is
is what we will never live to see

little girl play under sheets of denial
playing so cautious in doomed style
night has turned us into insomnia freaks
giving us no hope when it is hope that we seek
little girl play unsure of whats hers
living her life blinded by the curse
silently she dies like the rest of man kind
she will be the last one to be left behind
little girl play with her coffin at side

little girl why have ur forsaken us
as your spirit plays on and on
little girl wont you awaken us
we are hypnotized by a lullabye song
and then she said
go away

little girl play under sheets of denial
not knowing her sins are begining to pile
falling asleep could mean not waking up
but sometimes sweet revenge is not enough
little girl crys over herself
shes all she cares for and no body else
watching her life fall straight through her hands
not knowing that she wont have a second chance
little girl dies on a king sized bed
with a cloud of angels swamping over her head
falling asleep not ever to wake
all because her parents mistake

little girl plays..under sheets of denial
hidden under those sheets was once a smile

and she said
go away



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