Monday, September 26, 2005

simon says

simon says to clap your hands
simon says to just understand
simon says to scream out her name
simon says to take all the blame
simon says to sit indian style
simon says to learn from being a child
speak out what is running through your head
to bad i didnt say, simon says

what he is is nothing u are
that dosnt make you not a retard
your cool and hes not
that dosnt mean hes not smart
hes mirror is clean and urs is dirty
i could say more but it would be 2 wordy
he falls asleep while u stay up
cuz ur worried about what 2 wear 2morro
he takes one bite u eat more than enough
because hes eating the money his daddy borrowed
you cry he bawls
but u stop within the minute
u trip and he falls
you forget that u ever did it
a scar is left across his face
but urs just washes away
you walk away without a trace
he is in the same spot the next day
bring back your loved one from the dead
2 bad i didnt say simon says

take a trip down to his grave
and think only if simon said save
you coulda been there when he needed you
only if the truth wasnt so true
but thats just the way life is
its what ever simon says
and as i leap into midair
i realize that im 2 high
above my expectations in the sky
for that i will die
people dont no what i go through
they just know what they see
and no matter what they do
they cant see my heart they cant even see me
feel the gravestone etchings
and just crack a smile
who woulda thought it would be so fetching
to sit indian style
but i leave it behind and it take what i got
i go by what i know and not by what i thought
bring him back from being dead
2 bad i didnt say simon says

only if the world was round
if it was i wouldnt be falling of the edge
im just so much lower than the ground
consider me dead
and just go by what simon said




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