Wednesday, September 21, 2005

seasons of my life

i hate fall
cuz everything dies
and at the end of it all
no one survives
till the struggle ends
we must keep going
we wont stop
till the wind stops blowing
i feel the world shake
and it got me curious
jesus christ is no fake
it makes me furious
to see everything go at once
i ask 4 so much and get none

i hate it in the spring time
cuz the past is reveled
i remember the bad times
i use my eyes as my shield
wake me up when that day ends
i wish not 2 mourn any longer
i didnt start it, it just comenced
but one more bullet makes me stronger
and i go into a deep trance
i feel nothing
i see them 4 a moments glance
with there eyes so loving
its almost like they said 2 me
man y dont you just let it be

i hate the winter bcuz i have 2 fake a smile
everyones just always so happy
i take a looksee 4 a little child
wishing i was like he
i wish i still had my innocense
but now its long forpassed
i didnt start this, it just commenced
and what has happened stays in the past
i fold my hands after i bless they bless me
and i say a small prayer
lord i dont ask 4 that much, im just confessing
that i 2 am scared
its almost like he replied and said
once you die you dont have 2 worry about being dead

when summer comes it seems like it ends the next day
and thats what i dislike
but after it ends the fall brings all the slays
so i enjoy life while i have a life
rest in peace i say 2 you rest in peace
though u dont no where ur going
but some day ull find a crease
until then u wont stop unless the wind stops blowing
and when u fold ur hands that haved done the blessing
dont just say a prayer
dont feel guilty about not confesing
because he 2 is scared
wake me up when 2morro ends
not any time b4 or after
if you sleep to much ull start a trend
and y would u wonna sleep when u could be the reason of laugter

the seasons of my life are hard and strong
but thats all life is
but u must struggle in them b4 its gone
cuz thats how we have 2 live




Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey this is jon vesta, i searched your blog and i think your shit is pretty good, i emailed you my blog and u should have my address from that, so keep up the good work-Jon

9/21/2005 9:55 PM  

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