Friday, June 23, 2006

the porpus theory

on the sand where i lay my dome down
i hear nothing but the waves acting as my surround sound
sun beaming glare on the great sea waves
another day in paradise another day of praise
for hours upon hours i concentrate on nothing
focus my mind on my life actually becoming something
theres not a tear that can break me
a word that can kill me
every moment that goes by
can only futher still me
but when my time is up
and the day must give in
i life my self up
with a shark tooth grin
look into the endless desert of blue
see a porpus fin come up from the horizon
i learned something that i never knew
no matter the mood the fin will keep on risen

everytime i find myself caught up in that place
i go far away where i am not ashamed to face
my worries my problems the publics vison
no fear of death or regrets of past decisions
mind goes dark
forget all that has been
then i go back to the start
and comence my life again
i fight my way through the rigorous pain
i forget how i lost what i should have gained
no reason to cry when your out in the pooring rain
life is a sanitarium...might as well go insane

one step closer
every day that goes by
and i try
to keep my heart from going wry
i sit staring with my eyes open wide
trying to see through to the other side
and i dont no whats wrong with my eyes
but i cannot comprehend or visualize
my eyes, flooded with tears i cry
i can't see what i got outa my life
i just can't see my real insides
broke down, and my body goes numb
i dont want to believe that i was so dumb
i just wonna find a path and just run
and feel no pain until my path is done

as i glance back into the sunny sea
i see the porpus fin show through rioting waves
at that moment it becomes clear to me
what i cant see will be seen in another day
until then i whipe my tears and stop running
no longer my life occurs to me as stunning
i find my self and slow my thoughts down
as i am overwelmed by the surround sound
it hits my ears and i almost fall to the ground
and now i no my lost mind has been found

who would no stopping to relieve ones self would become a bad habbit
if the dog wouldnt have stopped to take a fecies it woulda caught the rabbit
sometimes you gotta whipe your eyes
suck in some wind and realize
u cant get through life regretting the past
you gotta live in the midst of forgetting the wrath
just like the porpus, keep on coming up for air
showing your fin to let everyone no ur still there



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

7/22/2006 6:55 AM  

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