Thursday, May 25, 2006

the wall

dawn showed faintly in the east
among the ruins, there was one wall standing
the wall stood alone among the fires feast
an ironic strong based understanding
a wall of no color nor enscriptions
a wall so simple to say the least
a wall of some-what fiction
and the sun came up slowly in the east
uneasily it sat there with wind at its chest
yet sturdy and strong it held
it forshadowed the fall of all of the rest
and now it forshadows when it will aswell
a wall of pain and suffering
with faded face prints grinded in the stone
with a stench of past death still hovering
the wall stands there alone
with rubble and ruins at its ground
it stands there gallant and strong
anxious to see the day it gets knocked down
curious of how long it will go on
there is soft whispers in the distant air
but no words nor language can be made clear
for a stranger of this wall is so rare
for this wall fears no fear

the wall gets knocked down
but it does not no how
it staggers to the ground
it to is dead now
the last time its eyes look to the sky
the flash of instant terror is seen
atleast b4 it died it knew why
this wall had been redeemed

lightning flickered through the dark night clouds
looking for a victim to sear
it strikes so silent and lets the pain be loud
having no time to tremble in fear
the wall of stone is now too in ruins
but still its pieces remain
only if this wall knew what it was doing
when it didnt make itself bulletproof to the rain



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