Monday, August 01, 2005

so beautiful

eyes watered and we cry 2gether
its so much better than crying alone
no matter the time or weather
we never fail 2 get stoned
we love all and dont deny it
we show how we feel by crying
time it self is just a mystery
love it self is however u want it 2 be

and that is y life is so beautiful
love is what is bcuz u r what u r
and the reason i am so greatful
uve made it wonderful so far

u had me goin at 11:11
the things that she says r so true
and when they said i robbed 7-11
i told them u r just misaccused
but now im 4 sure that u caught me
im guilty of all u accuse
and that truely is the beauty
but the most beautiful thing must be u
ages go and this ones gone
i just need 2 get out of this place
spirits go but this one lives on
im running out of things 2 save
i need 2 give up on something 2 succeed
but i never have loved something as much as i do now
but now a days who really nos what we need
and we dont really no what life is about

and that is y life is so beautiful
we dont no what 2 expect out of every day
and one of the reasons i am so greatful
u make living life wonderful in every way

we carry our own cross through life
some our heavy and some are light
but what matters is who carries it the longest
thats who is the most strongest
and we all go through the same wind 2gether
not one thing could stop us from getting stoned
bcuz no matter the strength of the weather
there is no good reason 2 cry alone

yet here i am
all by myself typing my mind
and here i stand
all alone i just cry
and theres been so many times
when i wanted 2 take one more light
but whats easy in life
never is right

and thats y, life is so beautiful
u choose ur own path
and what makes that so beautiful
the strong one is who is the longest 2 last


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