Sunday, April 22, 2007


You have been on top of the world for so damn long
You don’t know what to do when things go wrong
Where do you go, to who do you turn
What do you do with the product you’ve learned?
You look into space and just stare into the sky
Your eyes get lost in the clouds for the very first time
This is reality so bring your head back down
What is up in the clouds is nothing like what’s on the ground
What you see is what you get
In this world on honest regret
So the chances you get make sure you see them through
Because when you’re on top of the world it’s a much better view


Thursday, April 19, 2007


It's hard to say the words I want to say,
the very words that would take your pain away.
It is hard to do the deeds I need to do,
to prove to you that my love is true.
I close my mind off and I open my heart,
with hopes to stop this wall from falling apart.
Tommorow is not promised to us,
But today saying sorry just won't be enough.
To make it up to you would mean the world,
I will make up for this, i promise you girl.
For now... it's hard to say the words I want to say,
the very words that would take our pain away.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

There it was, My Great Mistake

There it was, my great mistake
I guess I was over due
It has been so long since I messed up
And my worst fear came true
I hurt myself for I hurt the one I loved
Now I can only hope she can see my love
No one is as mad at me as me
I am so sorry for what I’ve done

There it was my great mistake
To go back in time would be ideal
There is so much love at stake
And this hurt to me is so unreal
What can I do but apologize?
And learn from my miscues
God let her know that I love her so
And help us make it through

There it was my great mistake
I guess I can understand
Understand if it’s my heart that breaks
Because I lived to the standards of every man
I never thought I could be like that
But I guess the truth is at its end
But now that I know how horrible it really is
I know it will not happen again

There it was my great mistake
Please let it bring a great second chance
I know if I would be turned down
I would stand dead in my stance
I do not know what I would do without her
The thought of it I can not believe
If u have the strength in your big heart
Won’t you please forgive me?


Monday, April 16, 2007


I find myself not knowing where to go next
I have been running so long I’m out of breath
Where to run next I guess I will find out
I look at the treasure map and I find no route
So here we are in the same pair of shoes
We look at each other both not knowing what to do
A piece of me wants to just give up and go home
But the other half wants to fight here on its own
A struggle of power between my two mind sets
I look to solve the puzzle and there are too many pieces left
Not enough places to fit them into, and none of them fit
This is the puzzle that I will forever struggle with
A struggle of what to do, and it will be a struggle until it’s done
Which won’t be until I find out which direction to run
So here we are in the same pair of shoes
Since you’re a genius tell me what we are going to do
I find myself stuck here not knowing what to do next
So I stare at these pieces to the puzzle I have left


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Come Tomorrow

Come tomorrow sailing wind
Come strike me down once again
I do not care who you take
But I do not know how much longer I can wait
But here I am for you to steal
Take away this life so surreal
The sun goes down and down it stays
Come tomorrow and forget yesterday

Alter my ego
Alter my fist
Alter everything
On my list
List of troubles
List of hate
List of everything
That’s yours to take
With your sickle
Swipe the lost
Alter my ego
At all cost

Come tomorrow sailing wind
Come strike me down once again
I do not care what goes on
As long as these troubles are gone
But here I am for you to steal
Take way this life so surreal
The sun goes down and down it stays
Come tomorrow and forget yesterday

Point the finger
3 of your own forsake
But you’re no stranger
To being betrayed
Hiss the secret
Whisper the uncovered
Fear the sailing wind
Or the secret is smothered
So drift away
Leave this hoax
Direct your heart
To what you want most
Not a bullet
Not more sorrow
Direct your heart
Towards tomorrow

Come tomorrow sailing wind
Come strike me down once again
I don’t care what you do to me
I don’t care God is through with me
But here I am I’m yours to take
Out of me I don’t care what you make
The sun goes down and down it stays
Come tomorrow and forget yesterday


Monday, April 09, 2007

Hold My Hand

Hold my hand
Hold it close
Hold it tight
Don’t let go
Hold my hand
Squeeze when you’re scared
Don’t be afraid
I will be there
It’s a subtle silence
A language unspoken
Between our eyes
In which will always be open
Staring into yours
And yours right back at mine
I don’t need an answer
Forget about time
I lose myself
Every time you smile
You mesmerize me
In your modest style
You deny your beauty
But I know it’s true
I am proven right
When I look at you
Don’t ever deny my love
Don’t ever let it go
Hold my hand
And hold it close


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Chasing a Dream

Chasing a dream
Watch it go by
I follow it closely
Or at least I try
How can you blame me?
I am just being young
Or as everyone says,
I am just being dumb
Head over heals
I chase the dream down
Time after time
I find myself on the ground
Face in the mud
But it’s never enough
I am unsatisfied
So I always get up

Chasing a dream
I won’t quit till it’s detained
All the clues have been left
They have been written with pain
Pain has taught me
To chase this dream
Pain is my stimulus
And pain always redeems
Some day when I am older
I hope this dream will be mine
But I won’t be there for years
I wish so much to travel time
I can not fall asleep yet
I have too many guarantees to see through
I wont close my eyes at last
Until I see this dream come true


Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Dread waking up
Dread breathing air
I wish I could give up
I am so scared
I feel alone
I feel discrete
It seems this world
Has a grudge on me
Dread opening my eyes
Dread having to see
My miserable life
Staring back at me
I hold on tight
I hold onto my heart
I will never let go
But its time to start
I dread waking up
I dread being here
Considering giving up
And giving into fear
Take my heart
Take everything I got
It’s all I got left
It’s no better than lost
Here I am
Here I cry
You can watch me live
You can watch me die


Sunday, April 01, 2007


Failure is not an option
Troubled times won’t be forgotten
Go away won’t you let me go
Go away go away

Failure is not an option
Reckless minds have hearts that are rotten
Run away I will let you go
Run away run away

I put my head in the clouds
In hopes to escape this crumbling human race
I can still hear the chaos so very loud
Someone take me out of this failing place

Failure just is not accepted
All malfunctions are reflected
Talk me to sleep talk me to sleep
Talk away talk away

Failure just is not accepted
Wicked minds compliment hearts that are neglected
Sleep right through this dream
Sleep away sleep away

I put my head in the clouds
In hopes to find a way to succeed
For so long I have been looking for that route
Although it has been right in front of me


Bite the Thumb

you can hate me for who i am
dont hate me for what i do
dont hate me for what i wear
dont hate me because im not like you
dont hate me for the music
that i dont listen to
you can hate me for who i am
but dont hate me for my point of view